During the days of Enoch, I do wonder how he managed to walk with God, in the manner in which he did as described in the bible. He lived among people who doesn’t believe in God, who only lived their days giving birth to children and died after wards, having nothing to do with God before their demise.
Of course, it’s glaring that they heard about God one way or the other, but they choose not to believe in him despite all what they heard about Him. Enoch, on the other side chose to believe God and was also intentional about His Walk with him.
Although he hasn’t seen God, he chose to believe in him. He committed himself, his attention and everything towards God. He walked with God perfectly!
God was impressed, happy and pleased with his commitment towards Him. And this made God reward him by breaking the jinx of death on him. He didn’t die like others, he was taken by God!
Enoch is a mortal man like you and I, who wasn’t privilege to have access to the scriptures and spiritual father, whom he could have looked unto for discipleship and direction to grow in the knowledge of God. But the only thing that helped him walked with God perfectly was his full commitment and attention towards God. All these enhanced his growth in the knowledge of God.
In our world today, God has blessed us with different fathers’ of faith, mentors, disciples and the scriptures which can help us enhance our walk with him in our day to-day life. Despite these, our lack of commitments, day-to-day business and lack of faith has robbed us from walking in God’s path!
God’s still looking for someone like Enoch in this present generation who would impress him and make him do something exceptional–Just like He did to Enoch.
Can He find you and I worthy today?
Author: Opeyemi Deborah